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Teen Ceramics (#1 of 6)

Teen Ceramics

Session 2: Feb 26th - Apr 2nd (6 weeks)

Join our Teen ceramics class for ages 13-17! This class meets weekly from 4-5:45pm on Wednesdays. Your kids will learn to pinch, roll, coil, sculpt, stamp, carve, throw and paint on clay! Students are welcome to join mid -session for a prorated amount or drop in for $45/class.

Week 1: Sculpture & Hand-building- students will learn basic hand building techniques to sculpt, roll out slabs of clay to make cups & bowls and other forms.

Week 2: Intro to Throwing on the Wheel part 1 - students will learn to wedge and work on the pottery wheel.

Week 3: Intro to Throwing on the Wheel part 2 - students will learn to trim by hand and on the wheel and build on their skills learned in week 2.

Week 4: Surface decoration on greenware: students will learn to use underglazes and slips to decorate the surface of their work and to carve images and decorations into the surfaces of their work.

Week 5: Glazing part 1 - students will finish up work made in the first 4 weeks of the course and begin glazing their fired work.

Week 6: Glazing part 2 - students will finish all of the work made during the course and glaze all of their pieces.

All work will need to be fired in the glaze kiln after the last week of class. Please remember to come back in 1-2 weeks to pick up students’ work.

February 26

Wheel Wednesday Mornings (#1 of 6)

February 26

Wicked Wednesday (#1 of 6)